Future Tense (Futur Proche)

In the French language, there are 2 ways of expressing the future tense:
- Futur proche
- Futur simple
These two are applied in different situations and in this article, we shall examine the futur proche.
Futur Proche
When conjugating this tense, you use the present tense of aller and the infinitive of the second verb whose action will be performed in the future.
The second verb can either be an ER verb, an IR verb, an RE verb, or an irregular verb.

This tense is used to do the following:
- to explain an intention or relatively certain decision
Je vais ouvrir le magasin demain (I am going to open the shop tomorrow — It is decided)
Vous allez manger (You are going to eat — You know when you will go))
- to explain an immediate future or farther one(which is certain or very likely to take place
Ce soir, je vais acheter des pommes
La semaine prochaine, elle va commencer les cours français
- it can also be used as an imperative (to give instructions)
Elles vont maintenant recommencer le projet…
Make sentences in the comments using this future tense to talk about something you are sure you will do in the future.
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